
Finis Terrae – Gabriele Perretta

Frequent images of the city

“Invisible cities are a dream which rises from the heart of the unliveable cities”
Italo Calvino (1972-73)

Each one of us, within our own personal experience of image producer and with the use of a camera or a computerized graphics system, has dared to try and create landscapes. The family camera, or any other occasion for amateur image creation, pushes us more than anything else to try and do this. During a pause in the group photos, our camera accompanies our curiosity to snap the landscape around us which we find attractive. These are images which we wanted to freeze because they represented a sensation of novelty to memorise. Finding ourselves in a particular place and feeling it necessary to take away a souvenir which as close as possible to that sensation inspired by the image which in that moment is fixed in our minds, is often a common worry to the “accidental tourist”. (…)

traduzione a cura di Paola Romagnolo